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Monday, January 21, 2013

2012: Year In A Nutshell (Part One)

It's that time of year reflect back on all that we accomplished and experienced in 2012 and the stuff  I thought we would do and didn't...

(Oh...and check out 2011 here!)

1. What did you do in 2012 that you'd never done before?

I raised an infant into a toddler. Definitely the highlight (and some of the lows) of the year. I also ran a half marathon. I definitely didn't go into the year thinking I would even consider running 13 miles, but I'm happy I did.

2. Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?

Resolutions aren't my thing...because I never keep them! Let's say my "goals" are to become more organized (this girl has a mess of a house!), run more and be the best mother, wife, friend and employee I can be.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Our friends, Justin & Crystal, gave birth to little Dax in August. And our besties Jeremy & Sirvan had Rocky in December...he is absolutely amazing and I can't wait for Cruz & Rock to be the best buds ever. I see a TON of family vacays in our future.

4. Did anyone close to you die?
Knock on wood, but no. I continue to say that I am extremely fortunate in this department.

5. What countries did you visit?

None sadly. I'm definitely not making the most of my 40 Under 40 list where a ton of my wants include more travel. 

6. What dates from 2012 will be etched upon your memory, and why?
  • January 10th - first day of day care/back to work
  • March 2nd - initial bout with RSV - started the many rounds of illness 
  • April 12th - little man got his helmet - it seemed like such a big deal at the time, but now just is a small blip in a year of amazing firsts for this guy.
  • November 13th - Cruz's first birthday - celebrating his first year
  • December 15th - Sandy Hook school shooting - this is the only post or mention I've made of this because I don't want to acknowledge this senseless, sick act of violence, but it has definitely had a major impact on me.
7. What was your biggest achievement of this year?

I'm proud of the fact that I was able to raise an amazing little boy while managing to be successful at my career and take on even more responsibility at work.

8. What's your biggest failure?
I always feel as though I fail at keeping in touch with people. Fortunately with most of my friends, they understand and have similar hectic lives, so when we do connect it's like we haven't been apart.

9. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Thankfully, no illness on my part...little man owned that category. From an injury standpoint, I have to say the worst "injury" was the fact that I could barely walk after the half...and my calves ached for two weeks afterwards.

10. What was the best thing you bought?
We re-did the flooring in our house and it really made a ton of difference! I love the wide-plank wood floors and new, plush carpet - where we've spent a ton of time crawling around on with Cruz. (Thanks, daddy, for talking me out of wood floors throughout the whole house.)

11. Whose behavior merited celebration?
I have to say that the fact that our family and friends were so willing to help us out through this entire year with caring for Cruz when we had to work, travel, he was sick or so we could get a little time to ourselves. They were all so amazing, and helpful, and always willing to drop what they were doing for us. We couldn't be more fortunate.

12. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Those behind the many gun-related massacres around the country this year.

13. Where did most of your money go?
Of course kiddos are expensive - the helmet, illnesses, day care and babysitters due to my wacko work schedule.

14. What song(s) will always remind you of 2011?
Anything country. I listened to a lot of country favorite would have to be "Take A Back Road" by Rodney Atkins. It made me realize that I just need to slow down and enjoy the wonderful life I have.

15. Compared to this time last year, are you: 
a) Happier or Sadder? much happier
b) Thinner or Fatter? thinner, but at this time last year I was only two months post partum
c) Richer or Poorer? richer in the best senses of the word

16. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Travel - Nick and I had a great trip to New York (1st time together!), Vegas with the fam this summer, Houston to see Angie (little man's first trip!) and other work trips in between, but I wish we would've done a family vacation with just the three or us or a beach vacay with just Nick & I.

17. What do you wish you'd done less of?

Worry. I always was worrying about not working enough/working too much. I worried about little man. All.The.Time. Was he developing fast enough? Did he have to spend too much time in day care? Why was he sick all the time? Was I the best mama I could be? Always worrying.

18. How did you spend Christmas?

We spent Christmas our usual way. Laurel with Nick's mom on Christmas Eve Eve. Emerson with my fam on Christmas Eve. Omaha with Nick's dad & Janice on Christmas. It was so much fun being with little man since he actually knew what was going on and could open presents!

19. Did you fall in love with 2012?
I fell in love with many things in 2012. I fell in love with watching Nick with Cruz...he is a great daddy and C adores him. I fell in love even more (if that's possible) with Cruz. I fell in and out of love many times with work. I fell in love with our family all over again for all of the support they gave us throughout the year. I fell in love with running, which helped keep me sane or at the very least gave me a chance to think about anything else but life when I needed it.

20. What was your favorite TV program?
Sons of Anarchy was a fave for the hubs and I to watch together, but I also watched Kardashian's (yep I'm a fan), Grey's Anatomy (I was late on the Grey's bandwagon and just started watching two years ago), Shark Tank (LOVE!), Live w/ Kelly & Michael, the Today name a few.

21. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
No time to hate.

22. What was the best book you read?

Book reading really faded after maternity leave was over, but I jumped on the Fifty Shades boat and loved every one of those books, like most women in the world.

23. What was your greatest musical discovery?

Hmm - this seems a bit too deep for the music I listen to...

24. What did you want and get?
I was nominated to be part of the VIP Council at work and was one of three chosen out of our 40+ properties.

25. What was your favorite film of 2012?
I really liked Argo...and for the life of me cannot think of any others. My movie watching days were limited. Oh...and I loved Chipwrecked - Cruz's first movie. We went on January 2nd and he was so good!

26. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I was 31 and in NYC with the hubs. We got Dunkin Donuts for breakfast, went to a Yankees game and then to dinner at Bull & Bear at the Waldorf.

27. How would you describe your personal fashion concept of 2012?
Cas and comfy. I was working toward getting my pre-baby body back and there was a lot of extra skin and poundage in new areas that I wasn't sure how to dress.

28. What kept you sane?


29. What political issue stirred you the most?
Ugh...the election. I have to tell you I was so over the election. I'm not the best political citizen anyway, but it bothered me at how ruthless these public leaders were and how much money was wasted on their message.

30. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2012.
Work will always be there - slow down and make time for family. Cruz has grown so much this year and become such a different person and I cannot risk missing any of his major milestones. (You can see I had a battle with creating a good work/life balance, can't you?)

31. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.

"It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Come inside, it's fun inside
M I C K E Y M O U S E"

This song plays over and over in my head all day long oftentimes. This has been Cruz's favorite show all year and it's gotten us through many breathing treatments - his face lights up when he sees Mickey on TV. 

2012 was an amazing year...looking forward to an amazing 2013 and all it has in store!

1 comment:

Your comments make me smile! Thanks for taking the time to share some love =)