One thing you can't give to a girl with a shopping problem is a little registry gun that gives you an opportunity to add a bunch of items to a wish list! Seriously....I don't even want to look through our registry lists because I know I'm going to find plenty of items that we probably didn't really need, but today at the time while I had that gun in my hand I justified needing every last thing!
Fortunately I was able to have my "go to" girl to help answer some of my questions (some I'm sure were utterly ridiculous....) and with getting everything we need for Little Man. Besides, Tess, her little guy Aaysen joined us and he was instrumental in giving us sustenance to continue on during our four hour the form of frosted animal cookies. Of which he chose to bite the heads off each of the cookies he gave to me...
Ace: the best shopping buddy |
Besides the items that actually made it onto the registry list, you have to believe if you know me at all there were some items that made it into my cart and came home with me. I actually found some Puma tracksuits in size 3-6 months (I have only seen 12mo+), so I had to get well as a couple other fun things....I tell you this little boy is going to be one stylin guy!
Green & navy Puma tracksuit |
Gray Puma tracksuit |
Red & black Puma tracksuit |
Gray & black plaid coat |
Adidas booties |
Tan skull loafers from Target |
Gray, purple & yellow cap
Then another surprise was waiting for me on the porch when I got home Bibi & Mimi leg warmers! Yes, I know leg warmers seem a bit girlie but just look at dang cute!
Bibi & Mimi Leg Warmers |
I love having good days like these and it makes me even more excited for Little Mango to get here!
que chulo!!!!!
So glad you were successful!!! Cannot wait to spoil this little man (if you haven't already bought EVERYTHING FOR HIM). Love the track suits!!