Baby developments: Lil Mango is the size of a squash - he weighs 3.75 pounds and is 16.7 inches long - and is taking up a lot of space in my uterus. I should be gaining a pound a week about now with about 1/2 of that going to the baby and he will gain a third to half of his birth weight during the next seven weeks as he fattens up for survival outside the womb. He is getting prepared to emerge and is in the head-down position with his little booty facing up. Little man now has toenails, fingernails and real hair (do you think he will come out with hair or no hair - I just can't wait to find out!)
Weight gain: 0 pounds (14 lbs total pregnancy) - I am slightly concerned that I haven't had any weight gain the last couple of weeks. As long as Lil Mango is growing right, then I'm good with this, but I'm going to talk with my doc tomorrow. I've honestly been at the same weight or even a pound below - and I've made sure to be consistent in how I weigh myself (mornings before my shower) so I'm pretty sure the scale has been right.
Cravings: grapes, bananas and apples are of the good kind....chocolate is the bad. Since I removed all of the really bad snacks from the house, I've been trying to ease my cravings with "better for me" sweets. It's definitely not all that.....I need chocolate!
Aversions: nothing to note.
Symptoms: with my uterus pushing up toward my diaphragm and crowding my stomach, I've been having shortness of breath - Tessa can attest to this because she's witnessed me huffing and puffing when I simply walk to my car. I also experienced my first ever case of heartburn - twice last week - it was definitely uncomfortable, but not as bad as the foot shoved in my rib ever so often.
During my frequent bathroom breaks in the middle of the night, I wake up with back pain and an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach - fortunately after I use the bathroom it lightens up a bit.
Sleep: has been good except for the twice (minimum) a night runs to the bathroom. It's been pretty consistent at 2:30am and 4:30am-5am. For the most part, though, I'm sleeping pretty comfortably.
I miss: still missing my regular clothes....I've been trying to figure out what I'm wearing this weekend for our special outing w/ Tessa & Chris. As much as I think a dress is more appropriate, I'm sticking with jeans and a nice (somewhat larger than my normal) top. That will have to do....
I am looking forward to: my doctor's appointment next week and my first (of three!) baby showers coming up back in Emerson on October 9th.
I am loving: that I'm at that point where no matter how hard I try, my belly is out there and I definitely look preggo all the time. I've decided to cash in on it....whether it's at work where the guys will get up to give me their chair when it's standing room only in a meeting or at the mall in their special preggo parking area. Check it out - today I used the "Reserved Parking - For New or Expectant Mothers" parking. It was pretty awesome....although I have to admit I made sure to stick out my belly even further as I was walking in so people didn't think I was cheating by parking there.
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Preggo Parking! |
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Victoria's Secret Bare Bronze Sunless Tanning Lotion |
Movement: Lil Mango has been moving like crazy!
Milestones: we've made it to the 8 month milestone....only two months away before Cruz gets here!
It's a...: a boy.
Exercise: I didn't make it back to Lifetime this week, but that's only because the weather has held out and I have been able to take Maya out on morning walk/jogs. Tonight was gorgeous and Maya and I had a great run around the neighborhood.
Diet: has been ok.
Goals for the upcoming week: continued over from last week....I need to start my hospital checklist and get a bag prepared. Just in case.... I am also going to call ESC (our employee service center) and figure out my maternity leave. I'm still planning to request the full 12 weeks, but I will more than likely only stay out for 8 weeks. I can't imagine missing that much work - especially at a time like this.
Belly shot:
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32 Week Bump |
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