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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

13 Weeks: What's New...

Due date: November 26th - for some reason it seems like the days/weeks are dragging by. Is that bad to say? Everyone tells me it goes so quickly but I think I was waiting for the first trimester to be over for so long that it seemed to go very slowly. Well, now I'm into the 2nd trimester and this is supposed to be the best of the three - I'm waiting for the "best" to start!

Baby developments: Ahhh....enter the 2nd trimester. This week Little Mango is the size of a peach and is forming his teeth and vocal cords. He is approaching normal proportions where his head is now only 1/3 the size of his body, but hey let's be honest, I've got a big head and Nick has a big head - Little Mango is doomed to carry on that trait. (By the way, for those of you questioning the "he's" in my posts - no we don't know anything you don't, it just feels better than calling the poor thing an "it.")

Weight Gain: Down a lb this week and I would believe it with all of the throwing up I've been involved in. Right now that puts me at a lb above my pre-pregnancy weight.

Cravings: Candy and more candy - I can't get enough of it and bought a stash of Starburst Reds for home and work to curb my cravings. Ok if I'm going to be honest with myself and you guys, I should tell you that I also bought some Good & Plentys, Laffy Taffys and Carmel Apple wonder I was so bad at keeping a food diary...I actually posted this and realized I was about to lie to myself about all the candy I bought this last week! Pathetic.)

Symptoms:  I'm continuing to throw up every meal almost immediately after I finish eating. It's not ideal, let me tell ya, especially at work. Oh, and the breakouts are great as well. Huge and ugly zits are taking over my face.

I am loving:  this week was yet again another time I LOVED being the sober one. It is so much fun listening to drunk people and being able to remember it the next morning when they don't....seriously I hope I didn't sound like this back in my drinking days - but I'm sure I did...

Sleep: still getting plenty of it. I absolutely love sleep and I don't mind going to bed early anymore. This past week I was reading the 2nd book in the Carrie Diaries (SATC prequels) and brought my iPad to bed every night. Great books for the Sex & the City fans out there.

I am looking forward to: really being able to feel like I'm in my 2nd trimester and getting rid of this sick feeling all the time. I would love not to throw up every time I eat...and I'm sure people would love to stop hearing about it too.

I am spazzing about: getting everything done - I've kind of been riding Nick to go look at furniture for the baby's room, help me clean out the closets in the spare bedroom, etc. I need to just go on my own because I know he doesn't like that stuff, but I keep wanting him to like it as much as I do. I did hit Babies R' Us this week and was not impressed with their selection of baby furniture. I know I want black and they didn't have one set in black. I think I will hit NFM and Kids Stuff on my days off this week.

Best moment this week: celebrating my 30th - I have an amazing husband, family and friends that really went above and beyond!! I felt like a very special girl this past weekend because of all of them!

It's a...: I had a dream last night that it was a girl - with no name - and all I remember is Nick & I trying to get time with our baby because it felt like everyone else always had her. It was weird, because as much as I know we will LOVE having our baby around, I know it will be nice to have all of the help too!

Exercise: good - still hitting zorinsky. Went this morning with Maya and it was great to have company - she kept up so well. It started raining on us halfway through but actually felt really good. I'm thinking about trying a yoga/pre-natal yoga class a couple days a week. I feel like the running is good but I want to lean out my muscles. (All of you know my muscles are so big that they need leaning out, right?)

Diet: I would give it a 3 out of 5. That's all I'm saying on this matter...

Belly shot:  OMG, I can't believe I'm posting this shot. It's a good thing I love all of you who are reading this - check out the white zit cream on my face! Seriously, I'm one hot broad....and Nick is so lucky to come home to that at night!


  1. Hang in there, 2nd trimester DOES get better :) I never threw up (except for a few random times) but I was very dependent on eating every 2 hours until about 14 weeks or so and then everything felt normal again.

    I also feel ya on the husband / nesting thing. I WISH Andi was more into preparing the nursery and getting things ready, but he's just not. After much comtemplation, I think it's because it doesn't seem "real" to dads until the baby actually gets here. By the way, I wasn't impressed with Babies R Us either. Do you have a USA Baby near you? I found some good furniture selectios there.

  2. There isn't a USA Baby here but in KC - maybe it would be worth a trip! I'm going to make a trip to Kearney because Shauna (Hill) Mucklow has a baby store Time for Baby and I think she can hook me up! You should definitely check out her website ( - she has an awesome store!


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