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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Cruz Lately

While we had the best time at our adult only resort, little man was always in my head.

When I saw the ocean, I thought about him running in it. 

The sand, I thought about him digging in it with his scoop and pail.

The jungle birds and lizards, I basically had to stop myself from calling him over to look at them.

Don't even get me started on our stroll through town with all the families. Those parents should just be happy I didn't try to pick up their kiddos and give them a long squeeze.

Vacation was great, don't get me wrong. But nothing compared to the happy and excited "mama!" that came out of his mouth the moment I saw him for the first time since being back and him running so hard into my arms that he almost knocked me over. Man, I missed him.

Back into the swing of things and I'm realizing how self-sufficient and older he seems. Words and full-blown sentences were just flying out of his mouth. This kiddo also has himself quite the attitude lately it seems. I want to be upset about it, but it's just too damn cute.

Last night as I was putting him to bed, he all but fought me not to sleep in his room.  He said, "mama I sleep wit you an daddy?" all puppy dog eyes. "No buddy you need to sleep in your room and we'll see you in the morning."

He replied, ever so seriously and basically yelling, "Yes! I said so!" 

And I held strong. Yes I did. Until he started crying big, huge, real tears. Normally I don't give in so easily but I wanted to cuddle with him. So into our bed he came.

He snuggled in, made himself comfortable and immediately said, "Mama rub my belly. See I leave my shirt up for you." And points to his belly, while moving my hand to it. Of course, I rubbed his little belly, bossy or not. 

After he fell asleep I put him in his room for the night and settled in myself. That is, until 4am when I heard him yelling for mama at the top of his lungs.

And I didn't even try to rock him, I wanted more cuddle time, plus let's be honest, I wanted to go back to sleep myself (as if that happened), by the time I got him back to sleep my 4:40am alarm sounded and it was out the door to the gym.

So now I've had my workout, sent a few work emails and I'm ready for work. And look at this guy, would ya? Sound asleep.  And he's going to be quite a bear when I have to wake him up for school here any moment. 

All I can say is that it's good to be back. I've missed this little bed hog.

Linking up with Ashley for "It's the little things."

Happy Wednesday!


  1. That little guy is such a cutie! Welcome back :)

  2. Oh my gosh, he idea of going on a little trip alone with Chris sounds truly amazing, but I don't know that I could do it. I have never spent that amount do time away from Sydney. Lol. I bet you are so happy to be back. :-)

  3. He sounds just like me when I was a kid! I would say anything and try to look as cute as humanly possible if it meant cuddle time in the big bed

  4. So sweet! I bet it is hard to resist his little puppy dog eyes! :)

  5. So adorable. I don't mind breaking mom "rules" because babies don't keep. That's what I tell myself anyways. Before I know it they won't want to cuddle with me all night. And I'll cry. Cuddle away I say!!!

  6. So sweet! The hubby and I are debating an adult only vacay this summer but my stomach seriously goes all knotty when I think about being away from my minis! I know we need adult time too but I've never been away from Savanna before and the thought gives me extreme anxiety!

  7. Awe :) Children really change your life huh? My goodness sometimes it feels like I am never going to be ready for it!

  8. SO CUTE! You cannot turn down that sweet little voice and that face. Melt my heart.

  9. This is so sweet + precious. Can't wait for the day when I am blessed enough to be a mama!!! Xx.

  10. Aww! He's so cute! If Clay wakes up before 6:30, he automatically gets a ticket to mama's bed because a) I like sleep and b) I love cuddles!

  11. aawwweee i TOTALLY hear you in missing the kiddo when away, but how can we not- they are SO much apart of who we are as mothers!? hahaha "yes. i said so!"


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