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Sunday, November 11, 2012

DITL: Fall Saturday

I thought it might be fun to do another Day in the Life post - by "fun" I mean a lot of work documenting my day, remembering to take photos and trying to recollect what I did all day.

1am - we are fast asleep and hear little man in the nursery crying. I ask the hubby if he is going to go get him, but he reminds me it's his birthday week. So, no. (Noted...I must partake in a full week of him getting up with Cruz during my birthday week next May.) I walk in and he's sitting up crying. I can tell it's only going to take a couple cuddles and he will be back to sleep quickly.

1:15am - I climb back in bed and quickly count how many more hours I get to sleep until my alarm goes off. It's Saturday so I didn't set it until 7am...still have almost six hours. Score.

6:19am - little man is up, so I figure this is a great time to start our day. (Oh yeah, it wasn't really my choice. A girl can pretend, right?) Fortunately, I'm not terribly tired and I go scoop him up from his crib. He plays on his floor a bit so I can go to the bathroom and I come back in and find him playing with his polar bear on the floor. We are learning to "hug" and often use this bear to demonstrate. We are also learning to point out our body parts, so far he's only got "nose" down, so when I walk back into his nursery he's grabbing the bear's nose. My smart boy. Time to change little man's diaper...he's wet and his diaper is F.U.L.L so it's a full wardrobe change for him. My rule is that if it's this early and we have no where to go, he gets to stay in PJs.

Polar bear learning
6:30am -bottle time for Cruz and I grab a water for me. He loves pulling the microwave door open once it buzzes (yes, I use the microwave, but I'm smart enough to test and make sure it's not too hot. Trust.). We curl up on the couch and I turn on the a.m. news while we both enjoy our respective drinks.

7am - I wrestle little man down for a bit to give him his breathing treatment. It doesn't go well. If I had to give us a score, I would say Cruz: 1; Mama: 0.

7:10am - I pull out laundry to fold and Cruz helps me by taking every piece I fold and throwing it to the side. It takes folding each piece at least twice to realize I need to occupy him with something else. I scoop him up and we quietly go into our bedroom to put the hub's laundry away. Little man spots his daddy sleeping and starts loudly repeating "da-da." Quietly putting laundry away? FAIL. He gives daddy a customary high five as we leave the bedroom to let him sleep longer (in case you didn't know, it's his birthday week so he gets to sleep in).

We walk out into the living room and I close the bedroom door. Cruz quickly crawls over to the door, starts pounding on it and yelling "da-da." (I have to admit I smile a bit and take my time before going over to stop him) and then daddy emerges from the room telling Cruz he can't resist his persistence.

8am - I get dressed and I'm out the door to hit the gym. On my way I pass my favorite lake and see a ton of people out. I look at the temp in my car and it's 63 degrees. I make a quick turn into Lake Z and decide I'm going to run outside. And I did, in a tank and running capris. I cannot believe how gorgeous it is's November! After my run I squeeze in a quick tan (girlfriend is looking a bit pale).

I will take this view over the gym any day.

Seriously, a tank top in November!
(And, yes, I smile for pics I take of myself.)

9:30am - grandma Carol is at the house when I get back and playing away with little man. He is eating it up! We give her the remainder of her birthday gift - I loved this message when I saw it on Etsy - is it bad if I want to get one for my parents and Nick's dad & Janice too? Because it's the truth for all of them...

10am - ugh, I'm wasting too much time chatting, doing laundry and lounging. I really should be getting in the shower, but the coffee and conversation is much more appealing. Little man is already getting tired and he's been so lovey this week while he's been sick.  He crawls over to me, gives me two hugs and then climbs over my lap and lays there. He is asleep in mere seconds.  Grandma takes him to his crib. I peel a couple of boiled eggs for breakfast and go get ready.

Down for the count
12pm - I get to work, boot up my computer, plug in my iPhone for some music and lay out everything I need to get completed today. It's a bit overwhelming, so I decide I need another coffee. I'm digging coffee these days. Especially the French Vanilla kind from Green Mountain Coffee in the Keurig, with some Vanilla Latte Coffeemate...ok, so only this mixture. I will not drink anything else...I suppose you could call me a bit of a coffee snob. Just try it and tell me you don't agree.

This is embarrassing.  I need to decorate...

Rockin' the Total Rewards mug and using one of the many chotzkes sent
 to me on a daily basis by marketing companies...a  coaster.

1pm - I grab my purse and drive over to our other casino for a 1pm meeting. I walked in late, of course. This is the type of meeting I like. We were viewing our New Year's Eve meal for our VIP customer event and got to sample the food. What? You would like me to try those excellent desserts. Well, ok, I guess. (I love my job). Then I head up to the casino floor to check on a gift giveaway that was starting in an hour. All was good, so I head back.

2:15pm - the rest of the afternoon was filled with A LOT of work. Responding to emails, following up on emails that I've wait a tad bit too long to reply to, compiling notes from weekly meetings, walking the casino floor, working on new projects, opening my mail, and whatever else you can imagine. All while rocking out to my newly put together country playlist on my iPhone (daydreaming about the upcoming Kenny Chesney tour that I'm definitely going to be a part of).

Got a pic update from Gma with little man (really need to buy her an iPhone!) :)

These pic updates make me smile
6pm-ish - I met our VP of Food & Beverage at the loading dock and loaded a really cool, old fashioned popcorn machine, which will be used for little man's big first birthday bash next weekend. Can.Not.Wait.

Continued working for a couple more hours, before I need to get out of there. Gma Carol made her yummy lasagna and the hubs kept texting me about how good it was. I needed some.

9pm - after catching up with Gma on her & Cruz's day, helping her pack up so she could leave and playing with little man, I finally got to sit down with a bowl - or two - of lasagna while daddy worked to get Cruz to sleep. And then I poured a nice, big glass of red.

The hubs hates participating in my blog fun, but was willing to snap a pic (probably because he
figured I would never post a shot of me looking like this on the blog...little did he know, I don't care.)

Gma did a load of towels AND  put the clean sheets from the dryer on our bed.  Love this!
10pm - I grabbed little man who had fallen asleep on daddy and put him down in the nursery. The hubs headed to bed to watch some more football (weird), but this allowed me to watch some real TV in the living room (Friends!) and finish up some work emails and catch up on some social media and blogs....and maybe a long look at my Little Man's Birthday to-do list.

I could watch Friends re-runs all day, every day
 11:45pm - I head to bed, but not before looking at the cage living room and all of it's disaster. I briefly consider cleaning it up, but quickly decide not to, because in a few short hours our boy will be up and will have every single toy strung out everywhere anyway.

Don't judge - I swear our house doesn't always look like this.

So, there it is, another exciting day in my life. I know. I know. You are all jealous of the lavish life I lead! But I wouldn't trade this in for anything in the world.


  1. these are always fun to read! i love the puma socks [we rock the pumas too ;)] and him falling asleep on your leg- so sweet!

    i love the way you ended your day, wine and REAL TV! ;)

  2. Thank you for sharing your day. Nice to know those days are behind me, yet love hearing how happy you are. Congratulations on being an awesome mom and wife.


    1. Thanks Barbara that you can keep up with little man...and us on here!


Your comments make me smile! Thanks for taking the time to share some love =)