Thursday, April 14, 2016

Well, hey there.....


It's been a over a year. An entire year since my last post.

I never intended for this little break of mine to be so lengthy, buuuuuuut the proof is in the pudding.

I'm not sure if there is anyone who still cares about this little old blog (except my sister and sister in laws), but I've been missing it something fierce and wanted to get it going again.

So a lot has happened in a year. Weird, I know, right?

How about a lil' recap.

{I got knocked up!}
I finally made good on one of my New Year resolutions (remember, from this post) and I went and got myself pregnant.  After what seemed to take forever...and in comparison to Cruz it was, we finally got pregnant.

{It's a BOY!}
We found out this little bun was a boy. I'm not going to lie, I was a tad disappointed at first. You know that dream, that perfect little family where the older brother looks after his younger sister? Yeah, I had that. I was sure it was a girl. It wasn't. And it didn't take me long to forget about that first dream and fall in love with the fact that Cruz would have a little brother to take care of and I would get to watch our two boys grow up together and be the best of friends.

{Six years!}
Nick & I celebrated making it six years on August 1st. I mean, that's an accomplishment, right? The fact that he puts up with me...that I put up with him. Let me just tell you, it's a BIG accomplishment.  And there isn't another I would rather have spent these past six years with.

{We bought a bar!}
It wasn't in the master plan, but the opportunity came up and we partnered with friends of ours and took over a bar in Omaha. In September, we immediately closed it and got to work on making it into what we envisioned this area of Omaha needed.

{Cruz turned four!}
In November, we celebrated Cruz-A-Palooza and our little man turning FOUR!  We made it a mix of all of Cruz's favorite things - dinosaurs, carnival, baseball pinata, rootbeer floats, cake - if Cruz liked it, it was there. Even the weather cooperated and we were able to enjoy time outside.  We had the best time celebrating our boy with our favorite family and friends.

{Leo Florian Manganaro was born!}
And just like that, little Leo joined our family. We couldn't be more excited to see Cruz and his little bro grow up together, they are already just the sweetest. We decided on his name soon after finding out he was a boy and knew from the start that his middle name would be Florian in honor of Nick's grandpa who had passed away the year prior. Grandpa Florian was a hard-working, genuine, determined, kind, thoughtful man - exactly the characteristics we hope to instill into our boys.

{We opened our bar!}
In March, we opened Blue Chip. All of the credit really goes to Nick, Jeremy & Sirvan. Nick busted his ass and immersed himself into all things Blue Chip for the three months the bar was heavily being worked on. The end product is nothing short of exactly what we imagined. A cool spot that we would see ourselves spending time at. A focus on happy hour and after dinner drinks, a great place to watch the game but not a sports bar, good music, great staff. I'm so proud of him and what he created.

As you can see, we had an extremely busy and amazingly blessed year. We traveled a lot, enjoyed watching Cruz grow, spent time with family and friends, worked our asses off and now here we are.

And I'm excited to be back in this little space of mine sharing the happenings in our life. I promise I will be here more frequently.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. What??? Is this real life or is my mommy brain making me see things??? Welcome back!!!!

  2. Oh!!! welcome back and congrats on everything!!!!!!

  3. Welcome back! Congratulations on everything! A new baby and a new bar! So exciting!

  4. I'm so glad that we're friends on facebook and insta so I saw MOST of this, but you bought a bar!? How fun!! Yay for your new sweet baby boy and 6 years of marriage and everything really!! Welcome back girl! xo, biana -BlovedBoston

  5. Hiiiiiiiiiiii!!!! I was so excited when j saw your blog name on my news feed! I thought you had left us for good! Congrats on all the things! A baby! A bar! Six years! Huge huge things!!!

  6. I care about your lil' blog! I'm sooooo glad you're back!

  7. I'm so happy you're back!! So many great things happening for you - congrats on baby Leo, he is the cutest!

  8. SOOOOOO happy to see a new post! Was getting so frustrated every time I checked for a new post only to see those damn orange shoes!!!

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Your comments make me smile! Thanks for taking the time to share some love =)