Monday, September 23, 2013

Weekend Recap

Another weekend come and gone....well kind of. I actually have today off and get to spend it with my guys, so you won't hear me complaining.  I won't bore you with all of the details, but here is a little snapshot of what we were up to this past beautiful fall weekend.

Cruzer went to visit my parents on the farm {like one of his favorite places in the world} and I got to meet Bret Michaels and listen to him belt out some 90s Poison ballads. Not a bad little Friday for either of us.

Papa & Cruz - tractor time
'She gets it from her daddy' as in my flat butt and it's not a good thing in my case.

Excuse the iPhone pic. You gotta love a star who wears his OWN shirt to perform.

Was really nothing too eventful, except that this little dude visited me at work. Always a nice way to break up the work day. Oh, and I ate kangaroo filet at our steakhouse later that night at a customer dinner. Kangaroo, as in the cute, little animal that hops around down under. And it was surprisingly good. Delicious actually. And this from the girl who never used to eat much meat or seafood. Look at me getting all grown up.

The boy can eat

Oh, and I can't forget about the nice little feature I had on The Daily Tay on Saturday. I have been loving her blog for some time now so it was fun to see Yellow Mango splashed all over it.

We had a little family meet-up at Sicily & Emma's softball game and then I had to high-tail it home to get myself all dolled up for our, well my, first ever Omaha Bloggers meet-up. It was one of those things where I was a bit nervous to meet all of these awesome bloggers I have recently "met" through their blogs, but it was such a great get together! And whoa, mind totally blown at how much I didn't know about blogging and other opportunities out there. Not only did we all have different focuses of our blogs, but everyone seemed to be in different stages of their blog life. Some were so, so advanced so it was great listening to how they manage their blog and then you have someone like me who has recently started getting more involved in this blogging world and loving every minute. Not only that, but Whole Foods had been celebrating their five year anniversary in Omaha, so they gave us cake. Cake and new friends? Can you say, um yes please?

The girl who hates to receive flowers, now requires fresh flowers in her house. White hydrangeas are my fave.

Then I headed home to sneak in some play time with Cruz and we made yet another kick ass array of chalk art on our driveway. He said, "mama, dat's cool" after we finished our rainbow. I love how he can make me feel so good about my subpar skills.

This is his 'I'm over pictures' face

And today will be spent snuggling on the couch, catching up on some posts, doing a little work and taking Cruz for a run and some park time. Now you understand when I don't jump on the "I hate Mondays' bandwagon when you have a line-up like this to look forward to.

With that I say, goodbye summer you were a great one and welcome fall. Please exceed my expectations and give us some good weather to enjoy for the next couple months, minus any thought of snow. What did you do this weekend?


  1. that is actually a pretty fancy rainbow!! from the snippet of your hydrangea pic, i want to see your whole outfit!! looks really cute. esp the pants!

  2. Cruz is so cute! And I love those pants! I actually found your blog through your Saturday fiesta at The Daily Tay so I am thankful for that! It's so neat to hear about your blogger meet-up. I have been interested in having one of those. How did y'all go about finding all the bloggers close enough to come?

  3. I am so glad Cole is getting older so I can TRY to keep up with your awesome weekends!!! And yes, you did look pretty hot in those pants, work it girrrrl!! Great sidewalk art!!

  4. i am glad your blogger meet up went well, YAH! but whats up with no group photo!? ;)

    kangaroo filet!?! i won't be telling avrie OR kangy about that one! :O


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