Thursday, July 18, 2013

Kayden's First Communion

Lately I've been notorious for not getting super cool stuff posted on this little ole blog of mine. Like really late. I still haven't posted about my sister trip to LA, or 4th of July, or last weekend. I intend to get there, I promise, but in the meantime let's just pretend this post happened in April...which is when my handsome little godson's communion actually occurred. As my niece Dayvaney would say, "epic fail, Katie." 

Kayden Christopher

Regardless of my failures, Kayden hit a big milestone in his life and we celebrated his communion...and everyone who loves him turned up to help him understand the importance of his belief in the church and God. I have to say that as his godmama and auntie, I absolutely adore this little guy. I can't believe what an amazing man he is becoming and what a great kid he really is. I'm so proud to be in his life.

Now for some really, really bad iPhone pics. They really don't do the night justice.

The godmothers - Jackie, Kayden and moi
(I'm assuming the blurred photo of me is 
because I did a lot of hair tossing that night to attempt to get the right look.)
Ace, the babysitter
The Lynch's

My guys
(Guess I didn't feel the need to fix up little man's mop top for the occasion either.
I must have been to busy flipping my hair around too notice.)

My most amazing family
The man of the night taking care of my boy

Missing Miss DeLaney, but otherwise the kiddos of our fam

Here's to getting back on my a-game with a plethora of posts!


  1. Oh he is SO cute! What a special day!
    Can't wait to read the rest of your posts!

    1. Thank you! He is pretty special....I'm heading over to your blog now. :)

  2. I have yet to blog about all of the above mentioned too! well minus the sister trip to LA that i can't wait to read about! the pics were so fun!

    congrats to your nephew, so many handsome little men in your family!


Your comments make me smile! Thanks for taking the time to share some love =)